Apparently Facebook is working on a new button plugin next to
the famous "Like" button. They say this "Want" button will
only be available on product pages. So basically, whenever
users see a product they desire to have, they can press the
"Want" button.
Tom Waddington, the developer of Cut Out + Keep, discovered
that this "Want" button has been added to the Facebook
Javascript SDK (for those who do not know, Software
Development Kit or SDK is a set of tools that allows app
developer to create applications). The "Want" button
however is not publicly listed among the other social
plugins. According to Waddington, with Open Graph, developers
have been able to add the "Want" button to objects marked as
"products". However, users still need to authorize a
third-party app in order for the button to work on Timeline
or News Feed.
If "Like" button allows Facebook to collect the data about
users' interests, "Want" button could be a handy tool for
Facebook to collect users' desires data. Nowadays, the term
"Like" is commonly used to show appreciation of a product.
However, it is not possible to distinguish whether users
"Like" a product because they want to buy the product or
because they are giving a positive feedback after using it .
This "Want" button can help marketers to distinguish those
two interpretations.
It is not a secret anymore that many users demand more
optional buttons for Facebook; the most popular one is the
"Dislike" button. I personally think a "Like" button is
sufficient to show people's feeling towards the object; there
is no need to add for example a "Dislike" button when you can
simply show it by not clicking on the "Like" button. Aren't I
right? On the other hand, I quite like the idea of "Want"
button, because I think it could help companies to understand
the costumer's attitude towards their products! What do you
Door Vitto Christaldi
Gepost op 3 Jul, 2012
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